Notifier types
Discord notifier
This page explains how to create and configure a Discord notifier.
Use a Discord notifier to notify specific channels in your Discord server.
To create a Discord notifier, choose one of the following methods:
Create Discord notifier with token
In Discord, create a token and get the channel ID:
- Go to Discord .dev and create a new application.
- Click Bot > Add Bot > Reset Token to get your Discord token.
- Click OAuth2 > URL Generator, check the Bot scope and the Send Messages permission.
- Open the generated URL to add the bot to your server.
- Click User Settings > Advanced, and then enable developer mode.
- Right-click a channel, and then click Copy ID.
- Ensure the Discord Bot has the proper allow channel access permissions.
In Axiom:
- Click the Monitors tab, and then click Manage notifiers on the right.
- Click New notifier on the top right.
- Name your notifier.
- Click Discord.
- Enter the token you have previously generated and the channel ID.
- Click Create.
Create Discord notifier with webhook
- In Discord, generate a webhook. For more information, see the Discord documentation.
- In Axiom, click the Monitors tab, and then click Manage notifiers on the right.
- Click New notifier on the top right.
- Name your notifier.
- Click Discord Webhook.
- Enter the webhook URL you have previously generated.
- Click Create.